YidLife Crisis

Time: 2024 June, ​2nd at 18.30

Place: Det Jødiske Hus, Krystalgade 12,1172 København K.

Join us for an entertaining evening with Jamie Elman & Eli Batalion, the creators of the web-series YidLife Crisis and film Chewdaism: A Taste of Jewish Montreal.

The boychiks from Montreal present the modern Jewish experience in a hilarious (G-d willing) multimedia presentation, with video and live music. No Jewish or Yiddish knowledge required, just a sense of humor.

Appropriate for ages 18 - 118.

Ticket price: 200 Dkr +fees

Tickets are available at


Politiken Plus

Get access to all concerts for 710 DKK

Note! Ticketmaster charges a ticket fee of 20 DKK.

You can advantageously purchase a festival pass that provides access to all concerts and Yidlife Crisis.

Buy a full festival pass here

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Jewish Culture In Copenhagen

CVR: 31203554

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